Study Details
Testing Unilateral Neglect from Stroke Using Prism Adaptation Treatment
(IRB#: IRB_00174433)
A stroke is an attack on the brain when blood flow to the brain stops. The study will learn if there are patterns of damage to certain areas of the brain when people have different kinds of unilateral spatial neglect from stroke. This is when people struggle to see, feel, hear, and move the side of the body after a stroke. Prism Adaptation Treatment (PAT) is used to help people with unilateral spatial neglect. This study will see if there is a specific type of unilateral spatial neglect that will improve from the PAT. Being in the study requires completing tests on a computer and the PAT. This is done by wearing goggles with special lenses over the eyes while doing different tasks like reaching for objects or crossing out shapes on paper. Participants will attend in-person study visits that can occur during already scheduled therapy visits. Participation lasts about 3 weeks. People are paid for participation.
- All genders
- Over 18 years old
- Volunteers with special conditions
- In Person
- Paid
Who can participate?
Gender: All genders
Age: Over 18 years old
Volunteers: Volunteers with special conditions
Location: In Person
Inclusion Criteria
- Ages 18 to 90 years old
- Right-hemisphere stroke within one month
- Able to use right hand to hold pen and point forward
- Able to attend in-person study visits at the University of Utah or live within 50 miles
Exclusion Criteria
- Conditions that impact study participation and results such as Cerebellar (area in the back of the brain that controls things like balance, standing, and walking) damage or ataxia (loss of muscle coordination and balance), and lack of vision
Will I be paid for my time?
IRB#: IRB_00174433
PI: Ali Alzahrani
Approval Date: 2024-09-04 06:00:00
Study Categories: Brain Health Studies
Specialties: Neurology, Neuropsychology, Occupational Therapy, Psychology, Rehabilitation Psychology