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Study Details

Barriers to Low Back Pain Healthcare for People who are Underserved

(IRB#: IRB_00156672)

Low back pain can require imaging (taking a picture) and other medical needs of the lumbar, (lower part of the back). People may have issues attending appointments for their lower back pain. These include language and translation services and lack of health insurance. The study wants to learn how to better help people attend their appointments for low back pain. Being in the study requires completing a survey. The questions may ask about needing an interpreter, health insurance, childcare, or transportation. People who need health insurance or an interpreter will be given help to attend the appointment. The study team will gather data to learn how to better help participants attend doctor appointments. Information collected will not identify the persons name, address, or phone number.


  • All genders
  • Over 18 years old
  • Volunteers with special conditions
  •   From Home
  • Unpaid

Who can participate?

 Gender: All genders

  Age: Over 18 years old

  Volunteers: Volunteers with special conditions

   Location: From Home

Inclusion Criteria

  • 18 years and older
  • Diagnosed with low back pain at the University of Utah Hospital and clinics

Exclusion Criteria

  • Low back pain related to pregnancy or cancer

Will I be paid for my time?


For more information contact:

Ghazaleh Safazadeh


IRB#: IRB_00156672

PI: Miriam Peckham


Approval Date: 2022-11-02 06:00:00

Study Categories: Bone and Muscle Studies, Brain Health Studies

Specialties: Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Radiology, Spine Surgery, Sports Medicine

Last Updated: 6/8/23