Study Details
Testing Meditation Group Therapy for Chronic Low Back Pain
(IRB#: IRB_00133405)
This study is comparing therapy to treat people with chronic (constant) low back pain. The study is testing usual care for people using opioids (medication to treat people's pain) versus usual care for people using opioids with meditation-based therapy (mental training involving focusing the mind to cope with pain, stress, and emotions). The study wants to better understand how well the usual care with meditation-based therapy works and if it creates changes in brain activity over time. People in the study will be randomly chosen to be treated with or without meditation therapy. Being in the study lasts about 6 months. Medical tests will be done during the study to learn and track the health of participants. People with be paid for participation.
- All genders
- Over 18 years old
- Volunteers with special conditions
- In Person
- Paid
Who can participate?
Gender: All genders
Age: Over 18 years old
Volunteers: Volunteers with special conditions
Location: In Person
Inclusion Criteria
- Ages 18 to 65 years old
- Chronic low back pain
- Current opioid use for low back pain for at least 3 months
- Attend in person at the study clinic
Exclusion Criteria
- Prior experience with meditation training
- Current cancer diagnosis
- Thoughts or attempts of suicide
- Severe mental health conditions
- Pregnant
Will I be paid for my time?
IRB#: IRB_00133405
PI: Eric Garland
Approval Date: 2022-06-01 06:00:00
Study Categories: Bone and Muscle Studies, Mental Health and Well-being Studies