Study Details
EsoCheck a Tool to Find Barretts Esophagus (BE)
(IRB#: IRB_00131631)
Barretts Esophagus (BE) is when a person's tube connecting the throat to the stomach is damaged from stomach acid. BE causes cells to grow which can cause cancer in the esophagus. EsoCheck is a tool that collects cells. The cells are put into EsoGuard to see if a person has BE. Research is needed for us to understand the effects of using EsoCheck and EsoGuard together. The information we learn will help us know if this works as well or is better than what is done now to find if a person has BE.
- All genders
- Over 18 years old
- Volunteers with special conditions
- In Person
- Paid
Who can participate?
Gender: All genders
Age: Over 18 years old
Volunteers: Volunteers with special conditions
Location: In Person
Inclusion Criteria
- EsoCheck tool phase: people ages 22 and older
- Main study: males ages 50 and older
- Main study: symptoms of stomach acid in the throat such as burning chest pain after eating, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting etc.
- Main study: mother, father, brother, or sister with BE or EAC
- In-person at the University of Utah
Exclusion Criteria
- Take blood thinner drugs that cannot be stopped
- Past esophageal varices; blood flow to the liver is blocked or esophageal stricture; food or liquid is hard to swallow and can stop moving from the throat to the stomach
- Past esophageal or stomach surgery
- Tumor in the back of the throat
- Past heart attack or stroke within the last 6 months
Will I be paid for my time?
IRB#: IRB_00131631
PI: John Fang
Approval Date: 2020-06-17 06:00:00
Specialties: Gastroenterology
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