Study Details
Realize Trial for Drug resistant focal onset seizures
(IRB#: IRB_00130130)
In this study, doctors want to find out if an investigational drug called CVL-865 is effective in decreasing the number of focal onset seizures, also known as partial seizures, without causing too many side effects.
- All genders
- Over 18 years old
- Volunteers with special conditions
- In Person
- Paid
Who can participate?
Gender: All genders
Age: Over 18 years old
Volunteers: Volunteers with special conditions
Location: In Person
Will I be paid for my time?
IRB#: IRB_00130130
PI: Amir Arain
Department: NEUROLOGY
Approval Date: 2020-10-15 06:00:00
Study Categories: Brain Health Studies
Specialties: Neurology