Search Criteria: Studies Related to the Eye;
Hearing Effects in Children with CMV
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a virus that can occur in babies ages 0-4yrs old and may cause hearing loss. Research is needed to learn more about hearing loss and its effect on language development. The information will help us understand the best types of care that improve the health of children with CMV. (IRB#: IRB_00151251)
Improving Corneal Ulcer Outcomes
Undiagnosed corneal infection leads to blindness. Research is needed to develop a new testing method for finding types of corneal ulcers to stop the risk of blindness. The information we gain may aid future patients. (IRB#: IRB_00155406)
Moment-to-Moment Changes in Visual Sensitivity
Sensitivity to visual stimuli (response to eye activity) varies depending on how the brain processes information. The purpose of this study is to learn what adds to moment-to-moment changes in the visual system. This system of the eye and brain allows people to see light. This study will track the movements of the eye and pupil to report and detect faint visual targets on a computer monitor. People in the study will have eye movement and pupillary fluctuations (change of pupil in the eye) tracked using an eye-tracking camera. Participants will sit in an office chair with their heads placed on a chin stand. Participants will then stare at a computer monitor without blinking eyes for 8 to 10-second intervals. Being in the study requires attending about a 1-hour in-person visit at the study clinic. Participants could be asked to return to complete more sessions, up to 6 in total. (IRB#: IRB_00177167)
Registry Study of Macular Telangiectasia Type 2
Macular telangiectasia type 2 (MacTel Type 2) is an uncommon eye disorder causing slow vision loss in middle age. The macula is the central part of the retina, which lines the back of the eye like the film of a camera. The macula allows central vision, which is vital for reading and driving tasks. Telangiectasia refers to dilated, leaky blood vessels. There are no approved treatments to prevent the loss of vision that occurs in many, but not all, eyes with MacTel Type 2. This study aims to create a registry of persons with MacTel Type 2, their immediate family members, healthy volunteers, and persons with related disorders. This registry will enable clinicians and scientists to understand better the characteristics of MacTel Type 2. Information learned may help find a way to prevent or treat this eye condition. People in the study will attend one visit to the clinic for medical, ocular (eye), and medication histories, genetics blood draw, visual acuity testing, comprehensive eye exam, and ocular imaging. People will be invited to register in the MacTel Project Contact Database. Registration is done online and is voluntary. Contact information will be collected to provide new information or treatments learned about MacTel if a person chooses to register. (IRB#: IRB_00045548)
Rozanolixizumab: A Study Drug for People with Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein (MOG) antibody associated disease (MOG-AD)
Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein (MOG) antibody-associated disease (MOG-AD) may inflame a persons central nervous system severely affecting nerves in the eyes, brain, and spinal cord. Rozanolixizumab is a study drug to help people with MOG-AD. Research is needed to learn the safety and effectiveness of the study drug. The information we gain may aid future patients. (IRB#: IRB_00148171)
Study of Eye Diseases That Lead to Visual Impairment
COVID-19 Study
There are certain eye diseases inherited and passed on from parents. Age-related macular degeneration and glaucoma are two of these diseases. Both can create vision loss or blindness. We are doing this research to find out more about the causes of these diseases and others. This will help us to know how best to test, treat, and maybe cure them. The information we learn in this study will aid future patients. (IRB#: IRB_00010201)
Testing the Device XEN Glaucoma Treatment System for People with Glaucoma
Glaucoma is high pressure inside the eye that can lead to blindness. This study will test a device XEN Glaucoma Treatment System to treat people with this disease. The study wants to see if the device will help people with this disease and is safe. People in the study will attend pre-study treatment, surgery, and post-surgery treatment. Being in the study requires at least 11 study visits at the clinic for about 14 months. Medical tests will be done during the study to track the health of participants. (IRB#: IRB_00157451)
University of Utah Long Covid Registry
COVID-19 Study
Researchers at the University of Utah have established a registry to follow individuals who are experiencing prolonged symptoms after COVID-19 infection. We are interested in following people with "Long Covid" using in depth health surveys and optional blood draws to better understand this condition with the goal of ultimately developing clinical management strategies. (IRB#: IRB_00140978)